Looking to be KNOWN and LOVED?

Join a group at True Hope Downtown

  • Connected

    Our new identity as a believer starts with this idea that we have been adopted into a Family.

  • Commited

    Together we are better. Our faith is meant to be practiced in community, and as we do, we mature as followers of Jesus. It is only natural for this to lead to groups to begin to serve one another as we grow more like Jesus.

  • Compelled

    God never intended for us to go out by ourselves and reach the world. He has given us the best tool and that is “the church.” We don’t want mercenaries for God; we want groups of people on mission together within our community. We want everyone to start by loving on those God has already placed in your life. Then move to those who God has burdened your heart for (schools, foster care, refugees, prisons, etc.).


Looking for a great a launch point into faith and community? Check out a rooted group! This 10 week experience will deepen your connection with God, His Church, and your purpose in His epic story. Rooted is an introduction to small groups and a great place to start!

Join a group at True Hope Downtown

“Committed in community” You will hear us say that phrase a lot. Based on what we read in Acts 2:42-47, “church” was not what happened on Sundays but what the people of God lived out during the week in community. Not only will you find belonging in a group at True Hope Downtown, but you will discover the best way to live out what God wants for your life.

Jim Sonnenburg

Connections Pastor